Write about a day in which you had experienced joy and happiness.

The sky was littered with glittering, dazzling stars, coupled with an arching moon, hung upon the clouds. The breeze is blowing gently on my face, caressing my hair with rhythmic movements like the currents in the cascading river. The peaceful and serene moonlight shone brightly, while I was busy reminiscing a particular euphoric event.

In the past, I did not find the need to interact with people, especially those with low intellectual quotients, unless, if the need arises for me to do so. However, I managed to make some friends, who have similar foresight and thinking, giving me a form of distraction, from the ignominious bunch of classmates I had to face, everyday. As the old proverb goes, the empty vessels make the most noise and these classmates are axiomatic of that adage.

One day, the ridiculous bunch of classmates, who were of no help in improving the current society, decided unanimously to play a practical joke on me, the "smart aleck" of the class.

Apparently, their gossiping network has received first-hand news, on the new trial 'buddy' system – the system that pairs better students with weaker students, augmenting the school's grades. Of all the weaker students, they decided to incite and encourage my form teacher to pair me with Belle Lavender.

Belle Lavender was a living irony, as she is exactly contrary to her name, which depicts beautiful flowers. Furthermore, even if there was a fairy godmother conjuring magical clothing that is illustrious and glamorous for her, I doubt it would make any impact on her prominent figure.

Furthermore, even with the guidance of a couple of teachers, she could not even comprehend the fundamentals of mathematics, the BODMAS rule. Our teachers are at their wits end.

My classmates intrigue succeeded, and I was, paired, with Belle Lavender, the class reputed beast. This was the start of my wheel of nightmare and it was kick-started by the snide remarks by my ungracious and ignorant classmates who nicknamed me as the 'beauty'.

I was given the task of improving Belle's grades before the start of the mid-years, a seemingly impossible task, as I was merely, a self-motivated achiever with no stark measures to teach.

However, grudgingly, I started coaching her to my best efforts, such as attempting to give her guides and tips for expository writings, one of my fortes. As time passed by, my fear was that I had made no progress in my teachings escalated, as she was still failing her tests by an apparent degree.

It required many tries to, even attempt to sway her into interest in learning; it was certainly a prodigious tasks. Belle, even when she was interested in learning, took several days to understand the fundamentals of writing a good essay. My first thought at that time was, I am definitely unable to teach at such a slow pace, as I am not one who shows patience.

Thankfully, I had made some pretty intellectual and loyal friends who, stood by me and assisted me in the process of improving her grades. As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed, I am glad I had made friends with them. Through our concerted efforts to teach her, Belle finally managed to see the logic behind several mathematical problems and the knacks at writing a good essay, eventually improving leaps and bounds, and here grades went from a "D" to "B".

It was probably one of my most euphoric moments in life as I had finally managed to succeed in improving Belle's grades, something that even teachers failed to do so. It also made me realise the importance of friends, as it was only due to the concerted efforts of my friends and I that, I managed to accomplish the impossible feat of improving Belle's grades.

It was also through this historical event, that my dissenters, finally recognised my proficiency in my subjects was not just a fluke or through sheer memorisation, but rather through understanding and constant application of techniques.

However, as I proved capable in alleviating the grades of a failing student into a pass, the Buddy System manifesto was, made official and I was, made in-charge of delegating the pairs. This was also one of the happiest moments, in my childhood as it was the first time; I was, given a leadership role and position.

The calming breeze suddenly mutated into a gushing gale, which stung my eyes, ending my reminiscing of my past, telling me that I would need to get home quickly to avoid the incoming rain. Till next time we meet, my past.


Written by H.A.K.E.R

This essay is meant to be a guide for writers, especially from the primary school sectors, who aspire to be good writers. Enjoy!

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