The Impossible Mission Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Ambivalent Kinship

The whole story's idea were my thoughts; I was thinking of shooting a bullet through someone, with intent to kill then i decided to write a story based on this. It had developed into a plot based on some codes regarding serial killer, Jack the Ripper. Enjoy! :0 


It felt as if it was a Déjà-vu…  A familiar figure appeared and took the brunt of the knife for me, it was the girl I loved … Sandy Chang… The knife pierced into her heart, a fatal blow and she fell to the ground with blood gushing out of her wounds…

It all started on the day I accepted my mission to investigate an organization that was under suspicion of dealing with the firearm trade. This organization was under constant surveillance from the CIA and FBI, which were both Criminal Investigation Agents and Federal Bureau Investigators respectively.

 My mission was to infiltrate this organization and gain evidence on their trade, which was to allow the FBI and CIA to raid their base and arrest all these people, which work for this organization. I have never expected that this task was going to be easy, yet I never had expected that the mission I am embarking would implicate my loved ones.

"Hey Sebastian what's with that serious look on your face? Are you thinking of Sandy?" Elfin asked, followed with a skeptical look on his face. "No no. I am just… Err… thinking about work that's all" I retorted sheepishly.

I indeed was thinking of her not as if I would admit it. "Wonder what's she is doing now" I thought, not realizing that I was blushing.

"Hey, you are blushing dude. Just admit you are thinking of her!" Elfin exclaimed. "It was just the sun setting, not that I am blushing" I replied hastily.

"Sorry boss you have a text message" my phone chimed. 'I have a new message and it is from Sandy what a great day!'

"Are u free now for a movie?" Sandy asked in the text.

I replied without thinking "Absolutely, where shall we meet?" A minute later my phone chimed again, she replied "Around Orchard? The Cineleisure…?"

I Replied "Ok. I will be reaching there in 15min time".

Suddenly my office called my phone. "Hey buddy, can you kindly come back to the headquarters? Our mission starts in 15min time" and the line went dead.

I was pretty frustrated by the fact that I could not meet Sandy but my work is more important than some dating time, which was often mentioned, by my 'Sensei' or my 'teachers'.

I text Sandy "Something cropped up in my work; I need to return to my headquarters… I love you".

After texting her, I switched my phone off and rushed to my headquarters. It was a rule in headquarters to off your phone to avoid tailing by people unknowingly; however little did I know…

After reaching my headquarters, I was, scanned thoroughly by the computer systems and some personal data system questioned me to confirm my identity as usual to gain access and entry into the headquarters. This was the only place I truly felt it was impregnable. 

Not only with all these scanning and with checking to was going on; the defense capabilities of this place are truly remarkable as it is not with weapons and machineries that this place is well guard but through the indomitable trust among our members that make this place impregnable.

Upon entering, I was, briefed by the computer systems on my mission as usual. After being briefed I was sent to infiltrate the organization. Embarking on my mission, I did not notice anything unusual in my infiltration skills till I realized I was being followed.

It came as a shock to me as this had never happened before in any of my previous mission before. Something is amiss and I am not going to let the stalker stop me during my mission. If I am being followed, something must have got wrong in the mission or someone had intentionally leaked the mission info to an outsider…

 "Where is he?" murmured this person.

"OMG, doesn't this voice belong to Elfin? How did he know? Don't tell me he is a spy that has been spying on me all along?" I thought for a moment.

'Let the best man win then Elfin!' Mere minutes later, there were completely no movements at all…

What had happened? Did Elfin mysteriously disappear?" I was too frightened to think logically.

The next moment a gunshot fired and I found myself losing consciousness… Just before, I had completely engulfed in darkness I managed to notice Elfin hovering over me…

I woke up to find myself tied onto a chair, and having my eyes masked and mouth taped, I wondered what their true motives are.

What are they planning…? Trapped with no answers I could only question their motives and try my best to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Yea… I know… I will try my best" was all I could overhear from the conversation between Elfin and another person.

Suddenly the door abruptly opened with a loud thud and I was, pushed to the ground. They unmasked me and removed the tape on my mouth. I saw Elfin and a male whom I found particularly familiar… 

After some memory searching, I finally recalled that many years ago I came across a criminal record of some of the escaped fugitives and among that list was this man; Shane, the psychotic fugitive whom apparently charmed the wardens upon releasing him. He was supposedly to serve life imprisonment but after escaping, he was missing in action and never located once again.

"So I see, you are behind all the movements in this organization right?" I said with steely determination.

"Yes. So you know me after all, Sebastian-Kun the famous detective. I figured you would be coming and I made the best opening scene for you. Without further ado, let us begin the scene. " Shane replied and I was knocked out.

Half an hour before the incapacitation of Sebastian, Sandy's phone rang loudly, "Shut up dumb phone!" She shrieked at the phone before picking it up.

"Hey Sandy, want to come to Sebastian's old house? We are currently having a party, could you come?" Elfin replied enthusiastically in the phone.

"Okay, I will be coming. Give me around thirty minutes. Sebastian's old house is at Old Bark Road right?" Sandy replied.

"Hmm yea, see you in 30 minutes then. Byes" Elfin replied cheerfully.

If only Sandy knew what had happen to me… She would not have taken her time to go…

Thirty minutes later, Sandy arrived at my old house; she realized nobody was in the house at all…

"Don't tell me Elfin is playing a practical joke on me?" She thought.

Suddenly a pistol, pointed at point blank range towards her head and the person was Elfin… She was shocked and fearful for both my life and her life.

"If Elfin is holding the pistol, it only means that Sebastian is in deep trouble" Sandy thought.

The next instant, Elfin collapsed and blood was spilling out of him uncontrollably… Standing behind his corpse was a male; Shane the psychopath.

"So you escaped from jail, you psychopath… Just as I expected that imbecile Glenn was unable to prevent you from escaping from the prison cell…" Sandy said while clenching her fist tightly with anger.

"By Glenn you mean the dumb perverse cop that was addicted to playing with my doll replica in that cell? Like that will stop ME!" exclaimed Shane.

"Yea, I expected that much from you psychopath. To confront me, you must have arranged something for me?" she replied with a superfluous voice to hide her feeble side from this psychopathic fiend.

Shane is probably one of the most dangerous psychopaths in the world because he knows how to exploit our fears within ourselves and manipulate us into making a clouded judgment, making us his pawns indirectly.

"You really do have the makings of a psychopath too, Sandy Chang… Too bad you and your gifted detective boyfriend would have to perish here! It's really a pity," Shane proclaimed.

He dropped his shotgun to reveal a bloodstained fruit knife. Simultaneously, I was walking out his bedroom apparently unscathed not mentioning some stains on my coat, apparently I was not aware of my surroundings…

The next moment, Shane flung his weapon at my direction…

Without hesitation, Sandy ran towards the direction of the knife and took the brunt of the blow, which directly struck my heart. She lost conscious and lost count on what would happen next…

I am traumatized, old memories returned to me as if it had never left me. Glimpse of flashback on how my alcoholic father, whom was suffering from severe depression had stabbed by my mother. Such history would not been repeated if not for this mission…

A sudden realization hit me and I realized who we were truly dealing with. "Shane… Nope, you are my father, Benjamin Kun isn't it?" I said in the calmest voice I could muster in my current state.

"Indeed. When did you realize?" He replied while taking of his "face mask".

"That's not hard dad… The fact that you rather use your knife instead of the gun on the floor and you rather throw the knife at me then kill the girl, which was standing right behind proves the fact that you are my father. Only my father would choose to use a knife because he believed that using a knife made him superior over the others and my father would want to kill me even at the expense of his life, though that is something I can never comprehend." I reasoned, while keeping a "poker face" throughout the process.

"Impressive… I promised Shane that if I could not kill you… I would allow him to detonate the bomb that I had strapped on myself to kill me and yo-"before my father could complete his sentence, I interrupted: "Don't do this… Don't allow this man to escape scot-free father… He is a psycho which will cause more people like you to die for his causes!"…

"Too late…the bomb had been activated already, you have approximately 10min to bring the girl and get out of this place… I am sorry son, for all the irreversible harm that I had inflicted on you. I am going to tell you this code, which I am sure, will be useful in your search for that man, Shane… JTR and AMS …" my father said.

The next instant after my father told me, he dropped to the ground and died. Feeling powerless once again to stop another's person fate from dying, I quickly rescued Sandy and called for the ambulance…

 Sometimes I wonder, if it was god's blessing or my father's divine help that miraculously exempted Sandy from her fate of dying on that fateful day. As for the location of Shane, we deduced that he was currently at London, England.

This is due to the fact JTR may had meant Jack the Ripper which was an unidentified serial killer active in the largely impoverished districts in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888…

Hence I shall embark on another dangerous mission together with the CIA and FBI to find and apprehend that psychopath, Shane… What do the code AMS seriously meant…? Only time could tell… 


This chapter is a strong suspense build up by all the unnoticeable and undetailed solving skills by the main character Sebastian. This is merely the starting chapter for this whole story. Will Shane emerge victorious or would Sebastian successfully defeat him? Read on the next chapter to find out what happen next...

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