The Holocaust - Chapter 1: Epidemic Pestilence


The fight hastened, the skies growled in unison, trepidation filled the air. Aureter clashed blades with Germanicus mercilessly. Friendship forgotten, ties forsaken, these two men fought valiantly.

Aureter defeated Germanicus triumphantly. After ending Germanicus's life heartlessly, he escaped hurriedly to his comfort zone.

He thought it was all over after Germanicus's death, he would finally see the light of the day.

Little did he know that Germanicus, was merely a opening preview to the ominous and malevolent events that is taking place soon.


"Legionnaire Visage," Commander Santurian ordered, "what is the status over your perimeter?"

"The coast is clear, Commander!" Visage replied.

"Very well, we shall proceed onwards, to Rome." Santurian commanded.

"Commander, but attacking Rome, is a death wish!" a short and powerless Legionnaire voiced out his fears.

"Reynik, what blasphemy are you spouting!" Santurion answered that legionnaire's fears, "Rome is currently griefing over the loss of its finest general - the king's calvary."

"But, but -" before Reynik could reply, Santurion interrupted, "Enough! If you are fearful, you can stay here and pee in your pants! I appeal to brave warriors – FOLLOW ME!"

The commander's speech caused the legionnaires excluding Reynik, to laugh concertedly.

"I am merely concerned about this operation, commander. You do not need to insult me verbally. I am not a coward!" Reynik replied.

The legionnaires rushed onwards to Rome with their taciturn commander, with the intention of bringing it down.

The garrison guards, was incapacitated by the legion with little effort, as though they were made paper. They charged straight into the heart of Rome - the palace - the place in which Emperor Tiberius sleeps.

It was too easy for them - there was not even a soul - guarding the palace. Suddenly, Santurion felt his muscles aching and his body weary as though he had just fought a war.

The aching was relentless, and Santurion realised that he was slowly but surely, losing his grip on his horse... Visage and Reynik witnessed the fall of his commander and all their fellow comrades. They ran with all their might, fearing that they would suffer the same fate.

Their fellow comrades and commander became weak all of a sudden; some vomited blood and some had black pustules breaking out of them. Shortly after, they started to collapse, one after the other, as though they were dominos.

"What the hell had happened to our friends?" Visage pondered incomprehensibly.

"No idea... but look at Rome, it seems like Death had taken a liking to this place." Reynik replied analytically.

"No way, the citizens living here are entirely annihilated?" Visage asked incredulously.

"Probably not all," Reynik answered, "But the majority and the survivors had probably evacuated or escaped, just like us."

"Let us hurry up and report this to the General," Visage hurried, "I fear the imminent calamity, would wipe out our nation too."


Aureter reached home and found it void of joy and laughter. Paranoia, suspicion and fear attacked him unanimously.

He searched high and low, and found his infantile daughter - dead - her body surrounded by an army of black pustules.

The kitchen was emitting feint footsteps, which was subsequently, replaced with the slight movements of a chair.

Aureter, trotted slowly onto the narrow stairs, and advanced cautiously into a narrow doorway, entering a room with many pans and pots. He saw a familiar person, looking pale and frail - his love of his life - .

"Leila, what had happened?" He asked his serene wife.

"I-was-unable-to-evacuate-quickly-with-Meredith-sorry..." Leila stammered weakly and breathed her last.

"NO LEILA - You cannot die now - I need you..." He cried out, sorrowfully.


"So the Pandemic had finally spread to Rome?" Emperor Tiberius questioned his loyal subject, Ku Waite.

"Yes, my lord, Rome is currently experiencing political instability and turbulence," Ku Waite answered, "what would you do, my lord?"

"Since my general is assassinated, I have lost much foothold in my political stronghold," Tiberius asked, "what can I do in this situation then?"

"Use the power of the Imperial Cult, to claim that the gods have given you signs to prevent this calamity." Ku Waite suggested.

"Do you know what had caused this problem then?" Tiberius asked.

"It is probably due to the dirty and impoverished areas in our empire," Ku Waite, "I suggest we burn them all."

"Go ahead then, Ku Waite. I authorise you to burn them all, along with our neighbouring nations," Tiberius lamented, "I had enough of their tiresome meddling in our affairs."

"How many warriors can I dispatch, my lord?" Khu Waiti inquired.

The emperor replied, "Ask Pontius Pilate and Aureter, they are in-charge of our legions."


To be continued – Chapter 2: Assassination and Annihilation

Credits: I had gotten my source of inspiration from a fantastic Good Friday play – and the history of Rome. Enjoy, I will be posting more on this yet, but definitely with a short hiatus due to imminent examinations. It has a lively plot, I believe, with war and all. The pandemic is merely the tip of the iceberg, and the death of the general of Rome, leads to another problem. Nevertheless, let me just stop here for now, to whet your voracious appetite to read more.

Note: For previous readers, there is a problem with names -> Arête and Aureter is the same character.






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