The Genii Games - Chapter 3: Kid-Nabbed! (Part 1)

"Michael Jones, isn't it?" Agent Belle scrutinised Michael.

"Aye, Mademoiselle. I am Michael, and you are?" Michael courteously replied.

"A perfect gentleman, aren't you? Wait till you hear the identity of the kid-nabbing felon." Agent Belle smirked and arched an eyebrow.

"Presumably some other highly perceptive geniuses and me," Michael questioned, "or do you suggest otherwise?"

"Do you have any idea, what am I rambling about," Agent Belle whined "Silly nonsensical kids, attempting to question an adult over some simple and mundane stuff."

At this point of time, Michael Jones was contemplating, on the reliability of this particular agent. Especially, over the matter of perception and intelligence, insulting a genius – of being silly, is just plain stupidity.

"Could you provide me with the information on the game, Mademoiselle, and cut the redundant small talk, please?" Michael played second fiddle, to the overly conceited, Agent Belle.

"Oh alright, Jones, use your palmtop and key in, exclusive information and log in to the database, using your name as the password." Agent Belle reluctantly agreed.

"Wouldn't people cheat if this info is pervaded in the arena?" Michael questioned Agent Belle.

"Nah, once you type in your name, the existence of this particular database would be wiped from our network," Agent Belle responded, "besides, even if we do not do so, I doubt a person of your calibre would surrender your advantage to your adversaries. No genius, in the right mind, would do so."

Meanwhile, Micah was busy calibrating the weaponry function of his bulky phone, as he had a suspicion that he would require its assistance soon. This round of Genii Games, would definitely be another risk, he had to venture. He received a SMS from his contact – Michael Jones, regarding the game-play of "Kid-Nab". A life endangering game it seems – Graham Vicario – the first felon of this round.


A fascinating building of some sort was noticeable when the Lear Jets was beginning to land on to the airstrip that was flourishing with many assorted flora and fauna – even the rare black bat flower – grows here!

Oliver was busy thinking of a suitable countenance for Micah Evergreen as he is a worthy contender.

Once the group of genii had landed, they were hustled into the interiors of the building and archaic architecture that probably had monumental values in a prehistoric museum, greeted them.

The harsh gusting gales, was creaking the windowpanes and loud creaking sound could be heard. Suddenly, a sharp signal pierced the air as if a banshee had wailed and the group of geniuses muffled their ears, to prevent their eardrums from bursting.

The wail stopped, replaced with a sinister voice, "Welcome to the third stage of the Genii Games, I presumed that you all are fully recharged and ready to take on this round? If not, I am sorry, this round would, probably be your last."

"What are you talking about?" Pierre Lefebvre queried.

The voice replied, "This is a round of scheming, wits and annihilation. You would require all your energy to beat this game, or to survive it successfully. I would like to introduce five exceptional geniuses from another Genii Game to join your grounds. They are Sebastian Scrooge, Fry Kuwaiti, Adriana Ngoro, James Woodson and Charles Mansion. The game-play requires you to enter, "G-O-O-D-L-U-C-K" into your palmtop, to view it. Goodbye."

"I see, Graham cover me." Oliver ordered Graham, his bodyguard.

Graham knocked Oliver out with a swift chop to his neck, sparing no moment, to think. He apologised solemnly in his heart, for the drastic measure utilised – if he had not done so, Oliver would not be safe under his protection.

He was a felon in this game, and he needs to kill three-quarters of the genii here, to help his principal and him to survive. He upholstered his Beretta 93R, which has a selector switch and a foldable fore-grip allowing the pistol to fire triple-round bursts with each pull of the trigger at a cyclic rate of 1100 rounds per minute. Heads are going to roll in this battlefield, Graham thought. How wrong he was . . .

Micah's curiosity was aroused due to the presence of new competitors. He mused, "I wonder how worthy are these new competitors are?"

Meanwhile, in the 14th story of this particular building, Agent Zeus was watching this game-play expectantly. He wished that the inactive groups of genii to be gone or annihilated – either ways, it is getting boring – and he wished for some dramatic showdown, to entertain him and his fellow arriving agents.

"So Alex, so who is the outstanding genius in this whole bunch of talented prodigies?" Sebastian questioned.

Alex pointed towards Micah Evergreen and named him as a potential contender. He also mentioned the prowess of Oliver Green and his trusty sidekick, Graham. He named Michael Jones as a lonely black sheep, which probably won the previous round due to conflicting issues between Oliver and Micah.

"I see, so I would need to liaise with Micah Evergreen first then, since I do not see OG." Sebastian analysed.

"What? Liaising with the devil's advocate is seriously a bad idea, SS..." Alex exercised caution.

"No can do, if we do not liaise, we would get eradicated by the felons. I trust that was the meaning of 'weaponry' that was in my game-play rules and objectives." Sebastian replied.

While, Alex and Sebastian were conversing, Micah was busy toying with his bulky phone. Micah is attempting to source for information on the five fresh new faces, for something feasible to manipulate. Sebastian Scrooge was his first investigation – Wiki sources claiming that Sebastian Scrooge had doctorate in Chemistry and Psychology – hardly plausible for a young child prodigy.

Two conclusions came to Micah's mind, first this prodigy is truly a masterpiece, hardly so; or this is a dutifully crafted alias to protect his identity, but from what? Micah took his chances with the latter, he began to investigate on Alex Stockholm instead, since Sebastian, and Alex had been chummy even though, this should be their introductory period.

He found multitudes of documentation but none was his designated searches. Finally, after spending five decisive minutes, he unravels Sebastian Scrooge's identity – SS or Shane Stockholm, the younger brother – of Alex Stockholm. Micah was marvelling over the ability of Shane Stockholm to remain an enigmatic brother of a prominent child genius cum businessperson.

To remain enigmatic for such a prolonged period, is a remarkable feat – one that is befitting of a Genius – indeed, Sebastian is the surprise element in this new game segment. Micah was busy revising his plans, – surprises are not his cup of tea – for this game segment. Suddenly, Bang! Freed Abdul died – one genius down.


Micah was re-reading Michael's SMS for more information. The SMS from Michael went on like this: Micah do be careful, this game splits all the geniuses into protagonists and antagonists, with a minority being the antagonists. The antagonists are Felons, while the protagonists are as Potential Victims (PV). The Felons need to deduce the PVs' and take them down using any method possible – be it violence, knocking them unconscious or killing them –. The more PVs they take out, the more points the Executioner Felon (EF) would receive, through knocking PVs unconscious is 1 point, while brutal violence such as whipping or smashing PVs to death is 2 points, and killing PVs is 5 points. However if the PVs manage to retaliate and take out the Felons, they would obtain 15 points for themselves. Once PVs get 30 points, they would be able to get a safe house, for protection. However, only one person can stay in each safe house, and there are only 10 safe houses. This is the ELIMINATION ROUND. Good luck, Micah, Graham Vicario is the only known Felon right now, so take him out, since he is the hardest of all.

He set his phone's built-in particle beam weapon to maximum voltage of 107 volts
for instant electrocution.
A particle beam weapon is a weapon that uses a travelling wavelike particle accelerator.

In this kind of ion accelerator, it releases negative ions inside a cylindrical ion acceleration chamber which has an electrode that has an alternating electric charge of up to 1,000,000,000 (109) volts inside it. Any voltage from 107 to 108 would electrocute any living being that were to be of discharge distance from the particle beam weapon.

Graham Vicario draws near, and Micah fires his particle beam weapon upon discharge distance. Graham was unable to react – his body started to contract uncontrollably – his blood pressure skyrocketed, his brain suffered a cerebral haemorrhage and his body concussed. One felon down, cause of elimination – electrocution – Micah gained 15 points.

Meanwhile, Shane Stockholm AKA Sebastian Scrooge swiftly dealt with his older brother, Alex Stockholm, a Felon. It was certainly swift – with a Seiunchin kata, a latent combination of  techniques to unbalance, throw and grapple, contains close-quartered striking, sweeps, take-downs and throws, which was shortened to a quick jab to Alex's pressure points – Shane was terribly sorry for it, but he certainly gained 15 points for his efforts. Seven more Felons remain, and 20 PVs are still around to remove them.

"Bravo, bravo, Mister Sebastian Scrooge," Micah applauded graciously, "or should I say, Mister Shane Stockholm?"

"Fascinating, that you are able to track my identity down, but I trust that Alex has at least that much of foresight, if none at all." Shane was unfazed by Micah's remarks.

"You seem to be distrusting of the opinions by your highly-strung brother, eh Mister Shane Stockholm?" Micah curiously questioned.

"No it is not that," Shane explained, "but rather, I highly disagree with his pathetic behaviour, such as wasting his intelligence on unprofitable businesses and having a high-profile, isn't that stupidity?"

"I share your view to a certain extent, however I am here to discuss a proposal," Micah propounded his views, "which I believe, you would not be able to reject, since it determines your survival."

"Let's just see about that though, Micah Evergreen, the self-conceited genius cum analytical mastermind," Shane coolly objected.

While Micah was busy with Shane, another event was unfolding in The Genii Games, arena. Pierre Lefebvre is currently attempting to assuage an unneeded conflict – internal uprisings – that brought down many other nations that are much more influential than the small bunch of genii that are in this place. He felt uneasy the moment, the Lear jet alighted, as if something ominous is going to transpire soon…

"Damn you Kermises Enders! You are a frigging FELON, ARENT YOU'?'!"

"Stop it Glenn. Your theatrical acts fail to amuse anyone." Enders composedly replied.

"You son of a sod – tried to remove me, didn't you? I am going to take you down!" Glenn slammed his leg into Enders, pivotal areas for reproduction. It missed.

"Your compulsive ways, aren't going to get you anywhere." Ender dodged another fisting from Glenn, and retaliated with a corkscrew knuckling into Glenn's abdomen. Glenn stood no chance at all.

Pierre Lefebvre responded to Ender's retaliation with a question, "Are you a felon?"

"No, I am a potential victim. Glenn's silly antics to frame me, was so beneath me, that I did not bother clarifying."

"Good and goodbye." Pierre Lefebvre, drawn his Swiss knife, and stabbed Ender, at lightning speed.

The knife failed to stab Ender. Ender did an upward thrust, which deflected it, and it only managed to graze his skin slightly. Ender, then swiftly dealt a spinning kick to Pierre Lefebvre. The force of the kick propelled Pierre to the other exit, of the building. It provided Ender a wide berth, from his assailant. Pierre struggled to stand.

"You still need more practice, to even assassinate me, Potential Victim." Ender commented.

"Wow that was, certainly a, spectacular performance," Shane Stockholm praised.

Shane did not even give, Ender, the opportunity to respond. He jabbed Ender's pressure points rapidly, winding the Felon out. Ender did not even manage to blink his eyes.

"It seems like, I obtained another 15 points. Sufficient points to obtain a safe house, to rise and shine." Shane sardonically replied.

Micah Evergreen responded, "Lives are certainly unfair, eh, Shane Stockholm?"

Shane turned and faced Micah. Shane questioned him, "Should I thank you for the knowledge then, Micah Evergreen?"

"Let the best man win, Shane." Micah replied. He let himself a 1-metre berth, from the Melee-fighting expert, Shane Stockholm.

"I doubt that your phone, have enough energy, to activate that hazardous laser again," Shane propounded.

Micah rhetorically replied, "Aye, or why do I need distance myself, from you?"

"You know what shoes are for, Micah?"

"To bring you to your grave, by walking, isn't it?"

"No, you are wrong. It is to make you run for your life."

Shane, removed one of his shoes, and threw it at Micah. Micah reacted immediately by completing a backhand stunt, that propelled him at least 20 cm apart from his original location. He thought it was a modified hand-grenade – into a shoe – and that it would explode upon contact.

As the shoe, loomed closer to Micah, Shane pressed his shock-resistant all-in-one watch. A thick smoke diffused, forming a smokescreen cover. Shane unshackled his heat-seeking homing knife, and flung it straight. It never missed before.

Micah was wrong for the first time. It was a remote-smokescreen shoe. He activated his phone's laser again, this time with a 105 voltage, to drill a small, but deep tunnel, beneath him.

He did so and resealed the tunnel's using a specially modified, resistant, marble-like aluminium foil, which has micro-breathing holes, ensuring his survival.

His phone's energy is running low, after three consecutive usages, without recharging. He needs to end the skirmish with Shane soon.

The knife missed its designated target. It flew straight into another potential victim's heart – Cain Timothy.

"Oh well, it seems like I missed. Sorry teammate, Micah made you his scapegoat." Shane announced, "I will help you take revenge against that irritating tree, by charring it."

Shane clicked his watch, and it ejected a tiny, azure button. He attached it to the ground, and repeated this action, until the circumference of his area, 'buttoned-up' completely.

He ran towards the lift, and went inside. He clicked the button (S), for safe room, and waited for the lift door to close.

Before its door closed, he activated the buttons. The door closed seconds, before a fiery, red blaze, incinerated the entire platform of this arena.

Everything on the first floor of this building was either obliterated or burnt and charred. Debris blocked the exits and thick smoke eradicated the surreal architecture of this building.

Shane muttered, "I doubt that tree, would be surviving unscathed."

Micah felt a strong tremor, beneath the platform, that he was residing. The next instant, the ground began caving in, and his aluminium foil was, incinerated, within seconds.

Thick, black, haze, choked him out of oxygen supply, almost asphyxiating him.

He was, forced to tap into his phone's emergency power, to activate the oxygenation-converter. It was, created based on nanotechnology and an intimate knowledge of how Inspiration and Expiration (the respiratory processes of the human body) works.

Meanwhile, Shane reached the floor of the safe houses - the 12th floor - successfully.

Upon reaching, he placed fourteen explosive, buttons, on all the fourteen buttons, of the lift, respectively.

He stepped out of the lift, and approached the attendant for entrée to the safe 'house'. After a long hassling between the attendant, he gained clearance, and entered the 'house'

Upon entrance, he moved quickly to the bulletproof interiors of the 'house'. He activated the explosives on the lift and a large 'BOOM', could be overheard.

Shane wished that the attendant would die, with the explosion... It is already a miracle for that obnoxious attendant, to find himself surviving their encounter, without becoming a cardio-vascular surgical test subject.

Then again, Shane reminded himself, that he should be as low profile as ever.

There should be surveillances all around this building and he did not want to slip-up.

He hoped that his pathetic older brother would have hid himself, from that explosion, back in the first floor. He hated to explain his brother's death, to his brethrens.


Alex Stockholm was at the 12th floor, as the lift exploded. Hot, seething flames, blasted him to the white, eerie wall behind him. His attendant badge - Billy Bundy - detached from his ruffled uniform.

He barely survived the explosion. The fireproof counter of the floor protected him from the explosion. His body was not as lucky - he suffered third degree burns - on his arms and legs. His brain suffered a concussion, and he went into a coma, shortly after the near-death experience.

Agent Liam reported the current statistics on the Genii, "4 Felons is still in good-shape, and 10 potential victims' palmtops are still running, with their vital statistics on their ligaments still running. Hence we conclude that they are still alive and intact."

Agent Zeus commented, "It is an amazing and spectacular battle. The best part is, the Felons only managed to eliminate ¼ of these genii. The potential victims are the ones, who eliminated most of their teammates and felons. Shane was one of the few valiant ones. Micah was a disappointment."

"Let us continue with the game, until either side is, decimated,'' agent Angel ended their discussion.

Meanwhile, Micah realised that, he is, trapped on the basement - there was no more 'first floor' - and the lift is blasted – smithereens.

He guessed that the game would only end, when either side - the felons or potential victims – is wiped-out completely.

With no other choice, he took out his phone batteries and removed his phone's antenna. He placed ammo cartridges into the battery compartment and closed it.

He tilted the gun and pressed the Volume control of his phone. Soundlessly, a bullet was, fired and it lodged itself onto a wall filled with cracks. This bullet, dislodged the wall, and crumbled it, revealing a secret tunnel. His makeshift pistol is complete.

Oliver Green, woke up, and found himself in some sort of a enclosed cellar. There were all kinds of wine - red, white and ancient - here.

It almost felt like the wine exhibition that he had attended a few years ago, with his father, Duke Green.

He snapped out of his thoughts, and realised that Graham had betrayed him. He was going to make Graham pay, once he gets out of this hellhole.

Before he could get out, someone reloaded a gun, and stopped him. It was Micah Evergreen.


To be continued in part 2 ~ *I would be going on a 7 months hiatus, hope to see you people soon!*

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